About CoolStuffBlog
This post contain more than 400 words yet interesting! 🙂
First of all, I am not expert! But I know the state-of-art of blogging. Which essentially mean, I am blogging since 2004 but always as part-time blogger or blogging for fun. This time around I am here for indie blogging.

About CoolStuffBlog.com, the idea behind the blog
Howdy reader,
Hello and a very warm greeting to you all. This is Keshab Raj Adhikari, ICT engineer and occasionally blogger. After being a part-time blogger for over 1.5 decades, I am here for some passionate blogging. You probably wondering! Why I am here now? The answer is simple as it is.
[Tweet “I love blogging because I enjoy sharing the cool stuff I know.”]
So, what can you expect on CoolStuffBlog.com (CSB)
- Particular tips related to blogging, lifestyle, related news and personal stories to help inspire the community. Although I am not the GURU, however, the aim of this blog is to encourage users with some inspirational insights for those who have the idea but could not start and who started like me but could not continue because of various seasons.
- The basic and advance of how to make money from a web page or blogs.
- Some useful and handy search engines optimization tips (SEO) for individual and bloggers.
- Online marketing tips for small business and start-ups.
- Exclusive deals. I will try to find the exclusive deals for you to getting started. NO promises!
I personally believe in the following statement:
[Tweet “You do NOT need to succeed to inspire others.”]
As stated above, I am NOT an inspirational or marketing GURU but I have part-time blogging experience of 1.5 decades and I am educated in the same field in conjunction with web programming and business mindset. I believe my previous experience and education has prepared me to take the next step as the indie blogger and here I am with CoolStuffBlog.
About Keshab Raj Adhikari –
I am the mind behind the CoolStuffBlog and one and only writer (at least for the moment) of CoolStuffBlog.com. I am from Nepal and currently live in Copenhagen, Denmark.
I completed my primary education in western Nepal and intermediate campus in Kathmandu, Nepal. In 2011, I completed AP degree in computer science from Zibat, Roskilde, Denmark. In June 2015, I graduated from Aalborg University Copenhagen as Master of Engineering (Cand.Polyt) in Innovative Communication Technologies and Entrepreneurship with specialization in application and service development.
This is how CoolStuffBlog was born:
I will write more on this colon soon and I believe this column have a lot more to say. Please bear with us