Six easy way to make money from blog or website

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Are you a blog writer? Blogging full-time or part-time, it requires lots of dedication. Like we always say, we learn from the mistake, I did learn from my previous mistake. If you are inconsistent in blogging then you should choose to do the other stuff that you are enthusiast about.

I have seen my friends who well succeed in the online journal. They are hardworking and dedicate. It is been almost a decade they been continuously focusing on an aspect of the blog writing. Consistently blogging is not an easy task!

If you are a beginner, I would suggest to you make an aspiration. Design a simple roadmap to continuously support your blog. [clickToTweet tweet=”The success in blogging does not come overnight and not always hard work paid off.” quote=”The success in blogging does not come overnight and not always hard work paid off.”]. The other thing you should consider is the blog promotion, social media roundtable. Apart from that you obviously need to focus on valuable and quality content.

Do I need Ads running on my site to earn money?” or in other words, “Can I make money from the blogging without running an Ads?” these are the question you probably have in your mind. And the answer is YES! You can make money from your blog without running a single ad. How? it is simple, sell your writing skills, and write for others product and services. I will write a detailed article on this topic in a forthcoming day.

So, How can I make money form Blog?

Well, that is a very simple question and you probably have many answers. I can easily take more than 101 ways to make money from blogging. However, we are talking about the newbie, blogger, and small website owners. I would like to mention the top six most effective money making way for small blogger or startups. As you probably know that, mass users is money in modern marketing terms. If you have a large number of users, then you have the power and you just need a good shot to convert it to your income. This applies to virtual or non-virtual. These are the list six very simple way to make money from your blog or website without doing much.

  1. Affiliate links

I have the affiliate link on number 1! You are probably wondering can affiliate marketing can beat the contextual ads network? If you have good affiliate sale conversation rate, none of the contextual advertising can beat you, but this does not apply to every blogger. There are few things you need to understand before taking into consideration for affiliate marketing. First, you need to figure it out the matrix of your users e.g. age, male, female and any other possible information. You can use your Google Analytic, Alexa or other tools to excavation the data.

Based on my previous experience, I suggest you to strongly relies on the user information with a little bit of assumption and calculation, for example: If my website has users are aged > 20 and < 45, their chances of income is higher and they are most probably afford to pay. This is my first step of information.

On the second step, if I write about beauty and lifestyle my users most probably seek for a beauty product or other fashion product. Which mean if I have placed the amazon affiliated product related to my article the chances of affiliate into the conversation is high. I hope you got my point here.

  1. Google AdSense

Google AdSense is very smart and intelligently managed contextual advertise program. Where affiliated does not need to manage much. It is very well managed and the consequence is rejection ratio is very high. Especially when you are new and do not have many users to your site.

If you are wondering, how to make responsive Google AdSense you don’t have to worry about it. New, Google AdSense ads unit does support responsive very well. Personally, I think, this is very smart move from Google taking into the account of rapid growing mobile users.

  1. Sponsor content / review

This is very useful if your blog or website have more than decent users and you write the content and target the users that reflect the big brand or product. I suggest if you are newbie it might be hard for you to get the better rate or offer from big brand, site or product. This is why your blog reputation is very important.

I have perceived some friend of mine, who constantly write the blog from last 1.5 decades and their blogs rank very well. and have an average of 40K+ unique daily and well trusted in social media as well. In average, they charge around USD 2K + for a products review.

  1. Banner Sales

Banner sales are also known as one of the best supportive aspects for blogger. This one is very helpful for the new blogger with decent users. For the blogger with high volume, this could be one of the best money-making-alternative. is one of the popular online advertising companies that buy and sell the banner. Handling banner sales are the complex task and if you think this is your burden, does it nicely, with taking into account of server down time, payment, banner expiry/renew and some nice backfill from DoubleClick and other third contextual adverting networks (!if you are accepted).

Consequence of

They will take the 25% from your income. If you earn $100 from a 30 days banner sale, you will get paid $75 only!

Alternative to BuySellAds:

Getting into the BuySellAds network is tough, especially when you are new and does not have a large number of users. The other best alternative to BuySellAds is


  1. Write and publish your eBook to kindle

How Can I write sell an eBook on Amazon Kindle? How? That’s the first question you probably have in your mind. How to make money online is very popular search term in big search engine giants like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. People normally write a bunch of idea about it and my advice is; you should never jump on the same topic.

I have different though on writing an eBook while blogging which probably lead to better sales; when you write content on the site, your blog or website post have high and low attention from users, do write an eBook about the topic which is most liked, discussed and most importantly you are confident about. Try to emphasis the same topic in better and improved way; giving it a step-by-step guide, an access area for users who want to see the video on same content could not just better sales your book but will keep the users for a forthcoming book. Users, who spend money to buy your eBook feel worth reading it.


  1. Blog writing

If you are good at writing good and valuable content (which I am not J), guest / part-time blogging does not only earn money but will help your website or blog to grow in the search engine and social media. Which eventually mean you will rank and earn better.

Guest blogging or part-time blogging NOT always a paid job, unless you are really good and unique about what to write and when to write. Think about writing a valuable content on a highly ranked website and your post goes viral over night. You have your website, social media linked on your profile page which eventually drag many users attention.


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