Basic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tips for beginner

by | How to start a blog, SEM, SEO | 0 comments

In our previous post, we discussed how to setup a WordPress blog on your private server. If you are done with the installation steps and have running WordPress blog. This is the next step you need to read and adopt it carefully. This is the very important practice you should take into consideration in order to improve your visibility in search engine and knowledge base.

Spoiler: This post contains more than 1000 words, yet very useful for newbie blogger or small business.

As the title explains, the basic SEO tips, trust me if you really consider these step you don’t need to go for the white level or black level of search engine optimization (SEO). It is very healthy in terms of writing and very fastens for the search engine in terms of ranking. Yet, very simple! So what are the key SEO factor should we consider?

Name does matter

I wrote in the previous post and I write it again, the domain name has so much to do with ranking factor unless you really create a brand on your own name. So, choose name very carefully. Of course, there are many things to consider.

    1. A unique domain name yet user can remember in first attempt.
    2. A domain name which is not so much long so your user may not type a letter mistakenly and lead them to nowhere but to your competitor.
    3. A name that has some related meaning to your blog or business. Although it is not mandatory but things to consider you have travel business but your domain name does not contain anything from you travel name does not lead to the trustworthy.
    4. Manage your URL alias as per the content of your blog. It’s been a while URL alias has performed better in SEO. perform 100 times better than

Content does matter

The content was King, Content is King and I am sure Content will be the King. Otherwise, Netflix wouldn’t have to lead the over the top market (OTT). Well, this is the just offbeat update in an old topic.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Content was King, Content is King and I am sure Content will be the King.” quote=”Content was King, Content is King and I am sure Content will be the King.”]

If you are writing the content consider following essentials steps in order to have better visibility in search engines.

  1. Go to state-of-art of blogging. Clean and meaningful content. Clean mean, you should have your own content, NO copy, and paste littering from anywhere. I said littering because you will be ruing your blog ranking, time and money for nothing.
  2. If you have the article on the same topic, write in your way, explain that in your better way but keep the distance from same text and phrases. [clickToTweet tweet=”In search engine visibility a big ranked site can eat your site ranking just like big fish eat small.” quote=”In search engine visibility a big ranked site can eat your site ranking just like big fish eat small.”]
  3. In search engine visibility a big ranked site can eat your site ranking just like big fish eat small. For example, if you created a useful content and one of the writers from a big ranking site copied your content, amended a bit in his way and uploaded to his higher ranked site. The different is his site is very popular so the big search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing will contently crawling their pages. But for a small business like you and I will have a crawl only once a day or maybe once in a week. So, think about that the news you wrote yesterday was amended and crawled yesterday and served over million people by search engines and the original now will be a copy of duplicate. Do you get my point here? So, there is a way you can at least minimize it. How? Follow these steps.
    1. Share your content page to social media like FaceBook, Twitter and Google plus.
    2. Verify your domain in Google / Bing Webmaster tools. Submit the sitemap in Webmaster tools.
    3. Do perform, fetch as Google or Bing bots from webmaster tools.
    4. Ping your domain to search engines

Social media power

Sharing is caring, and as I said earlier it helps in many ways. First: it will be acknowledged by many users and your post may go viral. Secondly, search engine will know the value of your content, your valuable users, and trust to your site

Mobile optimization

As per Google, today people search more from mobile than the computer. If your blog or web page is not mobile optimized then you are missing the bigger mass audience to your website. Especially if your business is based on Google, Bing or Yahoo search result, then recent mobile friendly optimization has pushed your site to very low in mobile search. So, before it’s too late optimized your site to mobile friendly.

How to optimize pagespeed

Site Optimization

Google have some awesome tool to meter your sites speed and optimization insights. PageSpeed insight is one of many good tools to use. Where you can see how fast your site is loading, which area you need to consider upgrading and many other fractions of ratios. However; Google yet to implement PageSpeed insight in ranking factor but it been said that it might go to core algorithm in a day to come. Recently Google comes up with amended PageSpeed tool call, where you can receive the report in your email with optimization and other suggestion.

Quality link to your site

This is something I do NOT suggest jump directly into it, I said should not because if you do this, you probably do through the link buying and selling the site, where there will be thousand of other are also buying and selling the links on the same site. Which does not look natural? If you choose to go that way, you are driving yourself in middle of the ocean with a tiny boat.

But, if you do the above step very gracefully, I mean if you love writing content and if your user love reading the content you write. There is an obvious connection between you and your blog reader. Your loving readers who do not sell the link yet share the love to their circle. You can get the quality link from higher ranked site at the same time as recommendation, review or even as news. This kind of lovely backlink will take you to next level.

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