How to enable YouTube Community tab without 1000 subs using Mobile phone

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Why Community tab is great features for any size of Channels?

The features let communicate with channel subscribers with Post, Poll, Gifs and Images.
Once, you have Community tab enabled you can create poll for your subscribers. This could be for anything, from your behind the scene to the what exactly your subscriber would like to see in your next video.
If you are already eligible for Community tab, please look for my another video in my Channel.

So, Why this post and video

I also received many comments that, if I can make a video that shows, how to enable YouTube Community tab using mobile phone.
I have detailed video about what are the community tab options and what are the category give you advantage to enable community tab. Please watch this video.
The steps in mobile are little tricky, I will try to add sign to simplified the process. I have a request, don’t just hurry to send feedback to YouTube, take your time, see the process, watch the videos 10 times but make the text best fits in your contest. Don’t just waste your and YouTube support team time.
And make sure you subscribe to our youtube channel, so can get the other videos like this in future. For your easy reference, please watch the video below.

How to access YouTube Community tab from Mobile? How to login to desktop version of YouTube using Google chrome browser?

First, let’s correct the YouTube community tab setting using mobile Browsers.
If you are using iPhone or Android I have solution for both. Please watch the video carefully. The login to YouTube Desktop version in Google Chrome is a bit tricky. But I will show you.

  • First for the Android users, login to your YouTube account using Google Chrome browser.
  • Go to Your Channel.
  • Now go to URL address bar.
  • Now remove m. from your Channel address front site of your Channel and scroll to last and without any space write ?app=desktop
  • And press go in your keyboard.

You are now login to desktop version of YouTube using google chrome browser.

How to login to desktop version of YouTube using Safari browser?

If you are using Safari, the step is a bit easier. Let’s login to desktop version of YouTube using Safari.

  • Login to your YouTube using Safari Browser, while login YouTube may ask you, open this page in YouTube, cancel that.
  • Now if you go to profile, you can see the desktop located in the menu bar.
  • If you click to Desktop, you are login to desktop version of YouTube using Safari browser.

Now, both Google Chrome and Safari have same steps. Let’s go.

YouTube Community tab setting using Mobile phone, how to send community tab feedback using mobile phone

  • Click to Customize Channel, Browsers will suggest you to Get the apps but we click to Continue to Studio.
  • You are now on the YouTube Dashboard Customization page.
  • If you see the end of the left menu bar (left corner), you can see the small gear icon, click to that. (sometime it’s just don’t open, double click in-case if this doesn’t open), it will open a pop-up window.
  • Now go to the Channel tab and Advanced setting tab.
  • On the Audience options, choose the seconds, No, set this channel as not made for the kids and tab to save it.
  • Now Go to dashboard by clicking on the click on the icon below your profile picture on the top of the left menu bar.
  • On the same menu bar, under the gear (setting) icon, you can see a box with exclamation sign. That’s feedback box.
  • Click to that box.
  • Now, write your feedback here.
  • If your feedback says something important and it worth showing to YouTube, remember to tick include screenshot option located below the feedback from. For your easy reference, you can find the sample of the feedback text also below.
  • On the top right corner, you can see the send icon. Send your feedback using that button.

I received many question in my previous video. Let me answer them here for your easy reference.

So, what is next after the sending feedback to youtube to enable community tab?

Please have a patience, the waiting is the only option.

Hong long does it take YouTube to see your feedback?

It takes around 7 – 10 days.

If I didn’t receive anything with in 2 weeks, should I resend the feedback again?

Yes, you can, but make sure you have some changes in your channel and in your feedback text.

BTW, if you haven’t subscriber yet, please subscribe my channel, like the video and hit the bell icon so you don’t miss any useful videos in future. That’s it in this video, until then take care and see you.

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