Every startup wants to get succeeded in their business and it is tough. Especially, when blog writing has become a trend! As recent stats shows, there are more than 1.2 hundred million domain and 10 million + (top level domain) new domains are being registered. For the correct stats please Google “how many domain names registered today” you will see the domainpunch.com at the top, there you have the stats. Which mean, every hour more than five million domains being registered. These stats are growing very rapidly!
Enough of talking about stats now let’s move back to business. The idea of this post is to share the knowledge to coolstuffblog-com-300032.hostingersite.com’s users with the insights of “how to make money from blog”. You, obviously heard about Google Adsense in first glance, if you have ever search that keyword How to make money from my website or blog, right?
That’s correct, the Adsense could be an option, but here I am talking about the other alternative. Actually, I am talking about the other better moneymaking resources than Google Adsense. If you think Google Adsense if the first and the last better website monetizing tool than you are wrong. Even in contextual advertising, there is another Ad network, which performs better than Google Adsense. Of course, we have to take into consideration the content and the orientation of the website. I will write an article on best Ads performing Ads network in forthcoming days.
What could be another way of making money without running Ads? Well, there are some indirect ways of advertising, which truly benefit the blogger. If you can write the quality content and if you have the user then you have the power. In marketing, it says if you have users then you have power, which essentially you can rule the rest.
Let’s say you have a blog and you have very decent users (around 1K per day). How much can you make out of Google Adsense? With calculation of CPC – Cost per click and CPM – cost per thousand impressions, let say you barely make $3 a day which mean in + – you will make 100$. But if you see in marketing terms, you have 1000 x 30 mean 30K user on your blog (new and recurring), if you use any of affiliate network banner (the best suite based on your site content), you probably could sell 2-3 items out of a 30K visit. Let’s say you have a hosting affiliate banner and your site content is related to hosting, if you could sell 2 out of 30K users, you will make more money than you make with an almost 1K click and 40-50K impression from Google Adsense!
Can affiliate converse is that easy? No or Yes. No: because sometimes it does not perform well. Reason: because you are affiliating the wrong category affiliate ads in your blog. If you run a fashion blog, then you should not hold the hosting affiliate, I believe eBay or related alternative affiliate will perform better in this case. Yes: if you match the category, trust me! The cost per click will be very much behind.
The top five affiliate programs:
- Click Bank
- Commission Junction
- Amazon associates
- eBay Partner Network
- Revenue Wire
Above list, the order could be up and down based on your blog content. I will write the reviews, payment proof and details information on above five plus other affiliate networks separately in next post. The other pieces of stuff I will cover in next post are the key to increasing the search visibility in your blog with some simple yet effective search engine optimization discussion.