How to SELL SAFEMOON on Trust Wallet

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How to SELL SAFEMOON on Trust Wallet | how to sell coin on Trust wallet | how to sell safemoon

In this video, I will show you, how to sell safemoon on trust wallet. Safemoon is based on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and we can swap this coin using pancakeswap and sell it back to Binance.
If you want to learn how to sell safemoon and withdraw money to your bank account, please watch these videos after swapping your coin to BNB:
Withdraw money from Trust wallet using Binance account:
Withdraw money from Trust wallet using Coinbase account:
Watch video for step by step guide:

Hrllo guys let’s do this if you guys remember a couple of days ago i made a video regarding i’m buying 23 millions safemoon token coin and it’s been a quite a while i’ve been receiving lots of queries about how to sell coin from trust wallet.

This video is mostly based on the binance smart chain and i’m going to show you how to sell safemoon token coin on trust wallet. Since safemoon is based on the binance smart chain by using the same method you can sell any token that based on the binance smart chain on trust wallet and withdraw the money to your bank account.

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