How to create Gmail account without phone number verification

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Apparently, there are so many videos in YouTube claimed that; they can show how to create gmail account without phone verification, but the fact is they are either trying to place some fake number from different countries or trying some tricks to open gmail account. It shouldn’t be that difficult, so I thought I will show you how to create gmail account without phone number verification. Today in this video, I am going to show you two easy way to create gmail account without phone number verification.

Hello everyone,
My name is Keshab and I would like to take time to welcome you guys on my Blog. You can also find me on YouTube with CoolStuffBlog, Subscribe to my YouTube channel for the videos like this.

Some important information before starting with how to create gmail account without phone number:

  1. You can have unlimited account but you should not create more than 2 account per day, creating more than two account in a day will trigger google about SPAM activities.
  2. You need to have a mobile phone.

Without further ado let’s create gmail account without phone verification. I am going to screencast my phone in my desktop so you can see it better.

For the easy reference please watch the video.

Method no. 1: how to create Gmail account without phone number verification

  • Let’s open
  • Now I am going to click to signin.
  • The new window popup
  • Let’s change the language again.
  • Now I am going to click create account and choose for myself
  • Let me input my data here
  • First and last name, desired gmail name and password to login.
  • All set, let’s click next,
  • Now you can see my phone number and recovery emails are set as optional, so it is not mandatory to filled them.
  • I need to fill the date of birth and gender and click to next
  • I want to setup express personalization and click to the next
  • I have to confirm the setting and cookies that include web and app activity, youtube history and personalization which is basically for ads targeting. Let’s confirm this as well.
  • Well my newly created gmail without phone and email verification is loading now.
  • There you go, I just created a gmail account without phone and email verification. The option no. 1 is completed.

Method no. 2: how to create Gmail account without phone verification

  • First open youtube on your mobile browser and signout of youtube.
  • Click to profile icon on youtube and click to sign in
  • During the process youtube may going to ask you to open this page in youtube apps, cancel that.
  • Now on the signin page you may be going to see your other account if you have previously login to gmail using same phone. but choose use another account.
  • Google ask you to signin but we choose to create account.
  • This time let’s create account for business, so tab to manage my business
  • Let’s fill all the data needed to fill for the gmail profile.
  • First and last name, gmail account and password to login.
  • Let’s click to next
  • When you signup using youtube, your password need to be bit stronger, so mix your password with symbol and number and click next.
  • Next page, let’s input date of birth and gender details.
  • Again I like the express personalization and confirm the google privacy, terms and everything I need to agree to.
  • Since, this account is for business, google is asking me to create business profile which can lead to listing the business in google map, but since this is demo propose only. I am going to click not now.
  • Again asked me open in youtube I cancelled this.
  • Now I am sign into youtube with brand, which mean now I have youtube channel and gmail account as well.


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