How to withdraw money from Trust Wallet to your bank account | Easy Step by step guide to withdraw from Trust Wallet
Trust Wallet is one of the easiest ways to store your crypto currencies safe. With browser option enable, you can literally swap any new coin based on Ethereum network (ERC20) or Binance Network (BEP20) token coins. Withdrawing your money from your trust wallet to your bank account is very easy, but since it’s virtual currency we have to do little extra work, we can’t just withdraw your balance money from our trust wallet to bank account directly but don’t worry I have got you cover in this step by step video guide.
In this blogpost, I have a video included, in the video, I will show you how to withdraw money from your trust wallet to your bank in easy way. Transferring your money from your trust wallet to your bank account is very easy, but since it’s virtual currency we have to do little extra work, in this step by step guide video I am going to use trust wallet and binance exchange to withdraw money from my trust wallet to my bank account. If you have account on Coinbase please watch for another video in my channel.
Some important info: for those of you who are new to trust wallet:
While swapping, exchanging, buying or selling. there are many SPAMMERS in social media stay away from them.
So, with that being said, let’s talk about withdrawing money from your trust wallet, for the first: you need to understand few things:
our bank does not accept crypto currencies directly, so you need to use the exchange websites as such Binance. If you live in US, you can use Binance US but works for rest of the world as well, I am located in Europe and I received payment from binance websites without any issue.
For those of you, who have new coin based on Binance Smart Chain (BEP20) token and Ethereum network (ERC20) token coins, Binance does not support these coins directly. So, you need swap them to some major coin before sending to the binacne website, that also I have got you cover in the video.
Without further ado, let’s start how to withdraw your money from trust wallet to your bank account, please watch the video for step by step guide.