New Google Updates: Double Strike for Blogger

by | Blog, SEO | 1 comment

I am not sure if this is a temporary issue or Google seriously want to kill the blogger with harmful updates, this is a very strange, very unusual update with negative fluctuation on ranking and indexing.

On April 17th, 2017, there was a massive drop Google organic traffic. I can’t enclose the screenshot but can tell you, this must be an error! The website is more than 6 years old and was running well under the Google algorithms circumstance. There were nothing notable changes made recently, apart from few internal designs. My friend does not use any Buy or Sell link toward the website.

I hope this is a temporary update and things will get back to normal in next few days. For my bread and butter, It’s the double hammer.

The downfall of Google Analytic statistics after latest Google algorithm update

The downfall of Google Analytic statistics after latest Google algorithm update

To be honest, I am looking for the full-time job and will continue the part-time blogging. Life is really threatening living with blogging when Google change the series of the algorithm in a month. Details post to follow. Do comment below if you also suffer from recent Google algorithm update.

1 Comment

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    thank you very because the posting was very useful


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