Google Fred update – Can [We] Blogger Survive Without Ads?

by | Blog, SEO | 5 comments

Writing blog full time is not a joke and it takes immense effort to survive. Especially, when the leading search giant is constantly pushing their numerous updates almost every week. If you monitor your traffic statistics on a daily basis, you probably have noticed the changes brought by recent Google updates.


Barry from SEroundtable inscribed in an article based on many assumptions. Google recent update may target to low quality and advertise heavy sites. Which, we have to wait and see if that is the case.

Google analytic statistics after Fred updates

Google analytic statistics after Fred updates

Meanwhile, if I agree with Barry assumption (which I nearly do), the future of blogging especially for newbies will be tough, a very tough journey ahead. A few keynotes I would like to add below.

  • Google thinks the content must be long enough to rank well in search engines.
  • If we make long enough content, Google monetization (AdSense) only allowed three ads in a page. Honestly, articles without ads I find missing salt in chicken curry :), jokes apart, but they truly look ugly. I believe content page with more than 1000 words should have 3 AdSense ads and 2 additional 3rd party ads.

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It’s very tough at beginning, website designing, expensive web hosting and lots of hard work and working for nothing (as Google pushes algorithm update regularly)

As a full-time blogger, I will not able to survive without monetization. This perhaps has to come thru more organized way.


  1. Shwas Homes

    when it ends ?? when it stable any idea

    • Keshab

      I don’t think it will end Shwas,
      Last year alone the major update occurred 11 times (almost every month) and they said they will have some internal update every week. It is in incremental order, so can expect tough days in the day to come.

  2. Megrisoft

    It is not a one day I have been watching Google update it always hurts the site owner. The update purpose was to hit the spam sites but in most of case even in Panda, Penguin and many other update small site owners are hurts a lot. Google do not let the small sites live

    • Keshab

      Very true Megrisoft,
      lots of assumption and scenario for newbie and we are dying!

      When it come to us (blogger) we are violating the publisher terms! (ads heavy bla bla..), All the same, Google itself increasing their ads ratio in search result page! #sad

  3. smadav 2019

    Thank you for sharing this good information.


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